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Recently Published Articles

This paper studies firms' data privacy and cybersecurity choices. We emphasize the strategic interdependence between these decisions and demonstrate that security in both the market equilibrium and...
This paper investigates the formation of teams in a contest. A manager sorts four workers—who differ in their productivity—into two teams. Workers on each team join forces to produce team output, and...
We investigate how the presence of a Data Broker (DB), who sells consumer data to downstream firms, affects firm entry and competition in a horizontally differentiated oligopoly market, in which data...
We provide a novel theory of harm for resale price maintenance (RPM). In a model with two manufacturers and two retailers, we show that RPM facilitates manufacturer collusion when retailers have...
We consider an infinitely repeated platform competition in a market with network externalities. The platform that dominated the market in the previous period becomes the incumbent in the current...
This article investigates the incentive and ability of a platform to limit the extent of competition between the sellers it hosts. Absent contractual restrictions, a platform has an incentive to...
This paper considers an infinitely repeated competition between manufacturer-retailer supply chains. In every period, retailers privately observe the demand and manufacturers pay retailers ‘...
A manufacturer of an established product repeatedly interacts with a retailer that can sell an inferior new product thereby improving it. The manufacturer's exclusionary strategy consists of a...
The exclusionary theory of price squeezes, commonly debated in courts and among legal scholars, faces significant challenges. This paper introduces an exploitative rationale for price squeezes. A...
We study two-player R&D contest design using both an information disclosure policy and a quality standard as instruments. The ability of an innovator is known only to himself. The organizer...

Latest News

The CEPR/JIE 2022 conference will take place in Berlin on 13-15 June 2022. Details will be available on CEPR's website.
One of our editors, Ying Fan, is ending her mandate (thank you Ying for your service) and we are please to welcome Meghan Busse (Northwestern) to the editorial board;
James Roberts ended his mandate in December 2020 and we thank him for his great service. Two new editors joined the board in January 2021, Ryan McDewitt and Panle Jia Barwick, bringing the...
Ginger Zhe JIn (home page) and Julie Holland Mortimer (home page) will be joining the Advisory Council. The board thanks them for their willingness to help steer the journal in the coming years....
The board thanks Kai-Une Kühn fo rhaving served two mandates on the Advisory Council (after having served many eyeqrs as an editor of the journal).
The Journal of Industrial Economics is one of the sponsors of the CEPR-JIE Applied Industrial Organization conference, and this year the conference took place at KULeuven. More than 120 submissions...
The members of the board are pleased to welcome professor Matthew Mitchell as a member of the board of editors. Matt will replace Heski as one of our "theory" editors. 
Heski Bar Isaak who has been an editor since 2012 will be stepping down as editor at the end of June 2018. Heski has been instrumental in selecting high quality papers in theory. The members of the...
The editorial board will have its annual board meeting on 18 June 2018 during hte CEPR/JIE Applied industrial organization conference which takes places this year at KULeuven (Belgium) on June...
The 2016 meeting of the board (AGM) will take place in London during the CEPR/JIE Applied industrial organization conference (see http://www.cemmap.ac.uk/uploads/cemmap%202015_16/CEPR-JIE%...