Using survey data on movie consumption by about 500 University of Pennsylvania undergraduate students, we ask whether unpaid consumption of movies displaces paid consumption.
This paper examines whether electricity restructuring improves the efficiency of U.S. nuclear power generation.
This study measures the effects of the Marathon/Ashland Petroleum (MAP) joint venture on rack and retail reformulated (RFG) gasoline prices in the four cities where both firms sold RFG before the join
We present results from 50-round duopoly and triopoly experiments. Firms decide repeatedly both on price and quantity of a perishable good. Each firm has capacity to serve the whole market.
I examine collusive bidder behavior in auctions with negative externalities and show that the optimal bidding scheme exhibits only partial rigidity.
We develop a model of industry evolution in which firms choose proprietary standards (closed firm) or adopt a common standard (open firm).
Researchers interested in estimating productivity can choose from an array of methodologies, each with its strengths and weaknesses.