Issue 2

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June 1993

Endogenous Quality Choice: Price vs. Quantity Competition

Two versions of a vertical product differentiation model, one with fixed and the other with variable costs of quality, are analysed to study how the hypotheses of price versus quantity competition aff

Some Results of Experimental Duopoly Markets with Demand Inertia

Subjects played twice a multistage duopoly game with demand inertia. Their actual behavior is different from the unique subgame perfect equilibrium solution of the game.

An Experimental Test of Discount-Rate Effects on Collusive Behaviour in Duopoly Markets

Game theory suggests that the ability to sustain collusive equilibria in duopoly markets depends on sufficiently low rates of time preference.

An Empirical Analysis of Canadian Merger Policy

The merger provisions of the new Competition Act [1986] brought significant changes to Canada's merger environment, but little is known regarding the application of the provisions by the Bureau of Com

Target Profits and Managerial Discipline During the Conglomerate Merger Wave

This paper takes a close look at the extraordinarily high pre-merger profit rates of target companies during the conglomerate merger wave.

A Consumer as an Entrant in the Norwegian Cement Market

The paper sheds light on the strategy of two entrants in the Norwegian cement market, where both started importing cement.

Evidence on Agglomeration in Quality Space-Revisited

This paper extends the results of Hjorth-Andersen [1988] by examining agglomeration in quality space for 16,257 consumer products tested by Konsument and Test magazines.

On the Dampening-of-Competition Effect of Exclusive Dealing

The authors compare and contrast the profit and welfare effects of exclusive dealing, sales through a common retailer, and vertical integration.