Issue 4

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December 2012

Successive Oligopolies with Differentiated Firms and Endogenous Entry

Winner of the Best prize for theory papers published in the Journal of Industrial Economics during 2012-2013.  We develop a model of successive oligopolies with endogenous entry, allowing for var

Upstream Capacity Constraint and the Preservation of Monopoly Power in Private Bilateral Contracting

This article presents a model of private vertical contracting with a capacity constrained monopolistic supplier.

Exclusive Dealing: Investment Promotion May Facilitate Inefficient Foreclosure

This paper studies a model whereby exclusive dealing (ED) can both promote investment and foreclose a more efficient supplier.

Exclusivity Contracts, Insurance and Financial Market Foreclosure

We study the trade-off between the positive effects (risk-sharing) and negative effects (exclusion) of exclusivity contracts.

A Treatment Effect Method for Merger Analysis with an Application to Parking Prices in Paris

We propose a method of building control groups for retrospective merger evaluation.

Inducement Prizes and Innovation

We examine the effect of prizes on innovation using data on awards for technological development offered by the Royal Agricultural Society of England at annual competitions between 1839 and 1939.

Dynamic Pricing, Advance Sales and Aggregate Demand Learning in Airlines

This paper uses a unique U.S. airlines panel data set to study empirically the dynamic pricing of inventories with uncertain demand over a finite horizon.