Issue 3

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September 2016

An Appreciation: Pierre Régibeau Retires from the Journal

Pierre Régibeau stepped down from the editorial board in June of this year.

Introduction to the Symposium on Market Structure, Competition and Economic Outputs

The relationship between market structure, competition and economic outputs is central in industrial organization.

Diagnosing Foreclosure due to Exclusive Dealing

Exclusive dealing arrangements, in which a distributor agrees to work exclusively with a single manufacturer, can be efficiency enhancing or can be an anticompetitive means to foreclose markets.

Does Exclusive Dealing Matter? Evidence from Distribution Contract Changes in The U.S. Beer Industry

We examine whether restricting a beer distributor's external trading opportunities increases the market shares of brands carried by the distributor.

Foreclosing Competition Through High Access Charges and Price Discrimination

This article analyzes competition between two asymmetric networks, an incumbent and a new entrant. Networks compete in non-linear tariffs and may charge different prices for on-net and off-net calls.

Fixed Costs and the Product Market Treatment of Preference Minorities

We clarify the sense in which the market outcome may be biased against preference minorities, and estimate the degree of bias using an empirical model of entry into American radio broadcasting markets

Endogenous Entry in Markets with Unobserved Quality

Markets for experience and credence goods can suffer from adverse selection. The negative implication for trading and welfare poses the question of how such markets originate.

Entry and Product Variety with Competing Supply Chains

We study a model where an endogenous number of competing manufacturers located around a circle contract with exclusive retailers who are privately informed about their costs.

Entry Models Applied to Churches: Could Protestants use a Catholic Bishop to Solve Excess Entry?

This paper studies the entry behavior of churches of different religious denominations.